
il blog di davide azzolini

the best place to live in NYC

Il New York Magazine ha pubblicato la classifica dei 50 posti migliori dove vivere a NY.

Our goal was to take advantage of this wealth of data and apply a little bit of science to the question. If there was anything that could plausibly affect one’s quality of life in a particular neighborhood, we tried to incorporate it. We sorted the dozens and dozens of statistics we compiled into twelve broad categories: housing cost (as measured on a price-per-square-foot basis, for both renters and buyers), housing quality (historic districts, code violations, cockroaches), transit and proximity (commute times to lower Manhattan and midtown, the density of subway coverage), safety (as measured by violent- and nonviolent-crime rates), public schools (test scores and parent satisfaction), shopping and services (the number of neighborhood amenities, especially supermarkets), food and restaurants (judged by density and quality of options), bars and nightlife (ditto), creative capital (arts venues as well as the number of residents engaged in the arts), diversity (in terms of both race and income), green space (park and waterfront access, street trees), and health and environment (noise, air quality, overall cleanliness).

Una volta definite queste dodici categorie, le hanno ponderate incrociando i risultati di un sondaggio (effettuato tra 700 newyorchesi e 4.000 americani non residenti a NY) e quelli di una simulazione fatta dai redattori (su quali potessero essere i fattori rilevanti per cinque categorie diverse di abitanti della grande mela).

Alla fine ha vinto Park Slope, a Brooklyn.

E’ incredibile che un settimanale si faccia un tale mazzo “solo” per dare cose interessanti ai propri lettori. E il New York Magazine è così praticamente in ogni numero.